we have a VMWare Virtual Machine and can only see filesystem C: in the Machine-Storage dashboards. We can't see the mounted filesystem on E: . Is there something that has to be done in the configuration?
Near the bottom of the Machine Storage dashboard is a configuration setting to ignore small volumes. By default, it is set to 250 MB. Is the missing volume smaller than that? If yes, please set a smaller minimum volume size, e.g. 50 MB.
I have set it to 1 but the filesystem does not show up in the dashboard. Could there be something missing in the configuration file of the uberagent on the client?
Please run the following search. Does it show the disk?
| pivot uberAgent System_DiskInventory
values(Name) as "Device name"
values(IsRemovable) as "Is removable"
values(IsWritable) as "Is writeable"
host as Host
Please also run the following search. Does it show the volume?
| pivot uberAgent System_VolumeInventory
values(IsBootVolume) as "Is boot volume"
values(FileSystem) as "File system"
avg(UsedSpacePercent) as "Used Space (%)"
avg(FreeMB) as avgFreeMB
values(CapacityMB) as CapacityMB
values(PartitionStyle) as "Partition style"
host as Host
MountPoints as Path
When running the above searches, please keep in mind that inventory data is only collected every 24 hours, by default.
I will have to ask someone for the first block of information.
The first search finds 4 disks on that machine (DiskNumber 0-3). The second search only finds one volume on path (C:\).
The missing volumes are network file systems (mounted via smb). Could that be a valuable hint?
I also can't see nework similar volumes mounted via smb.
Thanks, that clears it up. uberAgent's disk and volume inventory are designed to show only what Windows perceives as disks and volumes, respectively. Mapped SMB file shares do not fall under those categories.
uberAgent monitors SMB file shares in the dashboard "SMB Client Performance".
OMG. Awesome. Thanks a lot.