Uber Agent 6.2 - No Data App/process startup , Logon Duration dashboard

I have followed multiple workaround mentioned to deal with lookup tables issues with free edition of Uberagent. However nothing working even after appending the output to saved searches it Yields no result.

When i test run appidmapping search in splunk and put All time, it says no result, seems some issue not sure how to fix.

Have followed below two link but didn't help.



Please assist

Splunk version 8.03

Uber Agent Version 6.2 Latest



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    Martin Kretzschmar Official comment

    Hi Raheel,

    I am happy to hear that you were able to solve this problem on your own. Thank you for sharing your solution here.

    Thanks, Martin

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    Raheel Shaban

    After testing several hours, I figured out the issue was at the Client end uberagent.conf file.

    We do scripted SCCM install in our environment, I had old Uberagent config file with pre-set value , I realize with new version of uberagent, it drop new conf file with new setting and this was required for Dashboard to work.

    This Thread can be closed, Thanks

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