Issues with experience score dashboard


I have some issues with the experience score dashboard in Splunk.

The experience score dashboard in Splunk is telling us "no results found " for the applications category. The total score beneath "Today" seems to be always at 0

I have version 6.2 installed in Splunk as an app.

What could be wrong in my setup?


  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    Hi Sven,

    Please run the following search and describe your output. You should see data for the fields _time, AppId, host, and SourceIndex. The app_* fields may be empty.

    The calculation of the app scores requires a working AppNameIdMapping. Please check if it is enabled in your configuration. In the default config, it's in timer two. 

    Today's score is always zero as it requires a working application score. As the latter is not there, the calculation fails.

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    Sven Goossens

    Hi Dominik,

    Which search do you mean exactly? 

  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    Pardon me. Below is the search:

    | savedsearch trigger_populate_score_per_application
  • 0
    Sven Goossens

    | savedsearch trigger_populate_score_per_application

    Does not produce any results. 

    I looked into splunkhome\etc\apps\uberAgent\default\savedsearches.conf and I see this configuration:

    dispatch.earliest_time = -30m
    dispatch.latest_time = now
    search = | savedsearch populate_score_per_application [ | inputlookup lookup_score_application_configuration | xyseries setting setting value | stats values(*) as * | fields - setting]
    run_on_startup = true
    enableSched  = 1
    cron_schedule = */30 * * * *
    schedule_window = auto

    I tried the search that was in the configuration but it also did not provide any results.

  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    Have you checked if AppNameIdMapping is configured?

    Please run the following search and check if there are any results:

    | savedsearch populate_appnameidmapping

    Are you running Splunk Free? There are issues with AppNameIdMapping and Splunk Free.

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    Sven Goossens

    I'm getting this output if I do that search:

    Error in 'inputlookup' command: External command based lookup 'lookup_appnameidmapping' is not available because KV Store initialization has failed. Contact your system administrator.
    Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-appnameidmapping
    Could not load lookup=LOOKUP-hostinfo

    We are using Splunk Enterprise. We are only using it for uberAgent.

  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    Hi Sven,

    The error message indicates that there are issues with the KV store. The AppNameIdMapping lookup is a KV store lookup.

    KV store is implemented as Mongo DB. Please check your logs for any helpful errors or warnings.

    index="_internal" log_level=ERROR OR log_level="WARN*" source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/mongod.log"


  • 0
    Sven Goossens

    Hi Dominik,

    I found the issue thanks to the mongodb log file. We got an expired certificate for server SSL which I managed to replace. After replacing this certificate and a Splunk reboot. The application part of the Experience Score dashboard started working again.

    Thank you for your assistance!

  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    Hi Sven,

    Good to hear that you solved the issue and thanks for the explanation!

    Best regards

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