Uberagent score on Citrix

Hello! We are not able to get uberagent score for citrix.
We believe that source=uberagent_score_session for example is calculated where uberagent is installed. But we can't seem to find the reason for why we can't get the source, to use the score dashboard. Other functions from the uberagent that's not score related works perfectly. Is there anything we should try?


  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    Hi Thomas,

    Scores are stored in a different index: score_uberagent_uxm Did you create that index?

    Best regards



  • 0
    Thomas Soleng

    Have used macro to use another index. We also have scores for clients that work. To use different indexes we send data from uberagent on machine using 19500 on citrix and 19501 on clients.

  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    I'm forwarding this to our ticketing system as we may need sensitive customer information. The result will be posted here, too.

  • 0
    Dominik Britz

    An adjusted macro configuration solved the issue.

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