Default scaling CPU / RAM

How is the scaling set for CPU & RAM? For example if a machine has 20% average CPU load can I assume it is 20% of total CPU capacity, i.e. 100%? 


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    Martin Kretzschmar Official comment

    Hi Tiemon,

    Are you referring to a specific dashboard?

    Generally speaking and sticking with your example, your assumption is correct.

    Thanks, Martin

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    Tiemon de Vries

    Hi Martin,

    I mean Machine Performance dashboard and then for a specific VM in a specific time frame. 


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    Martin Kretzschmar

    Hi Tiemon,

    Yes, when looking at my example below, I ran the Splunk search for the last hour. The machine CTX-DC1 had an average (you can switch the function on the dashboard) CPU usage of 20% (1/5 utilized), and 57% of its total RAM was being used.

    Thanks, Martin

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